What to Expect: Three-Day Evaluation

Developing a Long-Term Treatment Plan
ON DAY 1 of the evaluation, members of the clinical care team meet the patient and hear their TBI story. This meeting is a vital moment for the care team to listen deeply, ask questions, and learn more about concerns the patient wants to focus on.
After this initial meeting and moving into DAY 2, the patient sees providers in each specialty for comprehensive, one-on-one evaluations based on the focus of care. These evaluations vary based on the patient’s needs, and may include lab work, a brain MRI and orthopaedic X-rays, balance/hearing tests, and psychiatric, speech/language or nutrition assessments.
ON DAY 3, upon completion of the evaluations, the patient meets with their care manager to review the evaluation results and discuss long-term treatment recommendations. The care plan is designed and executed based on input from the patient, their caregivers and our clinical team. This treatment plan may include a return to our clinic for the 3-Week Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), or we may recommend reviewing the plan with the patient's healthcare providers back home, or a combination of both.
For patients who are eligible for the IOP and returning to the Center for Brain Health for treatment, a care manager will contact the patient to schedule and coordinate their three-week stay in New Orleans.
For patients not returning to TUCBH to participate in the IOP, we provide a comprehensive, individualized treatment plan that can be given to their healthcare providers back home.
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